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L. Baker, G. A. Timco, S. Piligkos, J. S. Mathieson, H. Mutka, F. Tuna, P. Kozłowski, M. Antkowiak, T. Guidi, T. Gupta, H. Rath, R. J. Woolfson, G. Kamieniarz, R. G. Pritchard, H. Weihe, L. Cronin, G. Rajaraman, D. Collison, E. J. L. McInnes, and R. E. P. Winpenny, A classification of spin frustration in molecular magnets from a physical study of large odd-numbered-metal, odd electron rings, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109(47), 19113-19118 (2012)
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